Saturday, September 30, 2017

Day 26: San Juan de Villapañada - Bodenaya

Wow, what a day! I won't be able to fit it all in here because I am walking hard and having way too much fun. But, here's an overview...

Another Amazing sunrise:

So many beautiful flowers and stone houses:

Tiny mountain villages:

Walking time, sharing stories, picnics, coffees, feet-soaking, learning history and new words with friends. (Pictures forthcoming)

The ever-beautiful Camino:

We didn't get lost in the fog!

And to top it all off, incredible hospitality with heart in Bodenaya. Shared dinner, ONE agreed upon wake up time for tomorrow (6:52am), lots of swapped stories and smiles all at a "donativo" price. Muy buena onda. ;)

I'm going to bed happy. I hope you will too. 

Kilometers walked: 25.71 (Fitbit), 25.60 (Buen Camino app). Plenty of ups and downs today, too. Hey, hey, pretty close today! :D

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