The stars, moon and my iPhone flashlight guided me until it became light. I passed O Pedrouzo and walked on...
I was hoping to surprise a few friends I had met on the French route earlier. I had to stop for a tea and water refill... and I saw them! We were all surprised - they to see me (I told them I was starting late) and me since I didn’t think I would catch up with them so soon. The other surprise was that I also saw, C, the Texan, who I had walked with for much of my first day over the Pyrenees. It was a great reunion!
A lot of the Camino follows the highway into Santiago on this day, but there are also some nice spots.

There are signs of fall.
There are signs of fall.
It also passes the airport.
Despite meeting up with friends and a busy trail, I also had some solo time.
I arrived to Monte de Gozo with D and E, my two Spanish friends from way back on the Francés and it felt right to descend into the city with them. We took an alternative route into the city, which gave us an extra 3k to chat, reflect and soak in the moment. ;)
It’s a hard feeling to capture, the arrival to Santiago, and it’s a long arrival, outskirts, modern buildings and finally the historic center. This stone is the last step.
It’s a time of happiness, reunions, disbelief and much more.
A late lunch was the next activity, then we all wandered off to our albergues or pensions to shower and rest before an evening meet up. I was stoked to have my own small room and bathroom... first time in 36 days!!!
And a view!
More photos, food and celebrating followed. At this table, there are pilgrims from both Caminos, from South Korea, Spain, Russia and the USA.
Primitivo friends (France, Canada, Spain, USA):
There’s also a sadness, or sensation of closing, and though we aren’t talking about it yet, goodbyes are coming soon. Some friends leave as early as tomorrow, some to go home, others to travel Europe, some to continue walking to Finisterre and/or Muxia. I’m leaning towards the last option. :)
Kilometers walked: 24.62 (Fitbit), 25.13 (Buen Camino app). D, a Canadian I shared dinner with last night, explained that walking with poles messes up the step count... that explains a lot of inconsistencies!
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